. >>> the crowd applauded viktor martinez, the father of one of the victims when he sent a message to change gun control. >> to many people have died and there should not be one more. >> the start of the ceremonies had to be delayed because so many people showed up to attend. they were there to remember david wong, george chen, james honk, veronica white and skate rin cooper and chris martin mess. the three young men first to be called were remembered with fondness and sadness. we learn how their former schools are making sure they won't be forgotten. >>> david wong's senior yearbook there is a picture of him flashing a peace sign. the 2012 grad chose to have this bible verse printed next to his flame. >> this is my commandment that you love one another p oudre. a person that killed about people. and i -- it really hurts to know that he is gone. >> gone but not forgotten. school superintendent trisha meyer says this summer long's alma mater will memorial the basketball in his name. >> there is a fundraiser page to help defray the cost of wong's funeral. george check and james hall wer