miss baheri losing family members. mr. etemadi being in jail. thank you, for alizadeh, for bringing so much awareness to us. dr. george, for holding up the photographs of real victims of the persecution that is going on daily in iran. thank you for the brave work of your commission. we look forward to adopting their recommendations very soon. and to our audience, thanks for being here today with us. and with that, the subcommittee is adjourned. thank you, madam chairman. >> thank you. >>> the thesis of the book is that there's a whole group of people in america, in fact a big swath of america, that is being ignored, left behind, not included in the discussion i think for either party. particularly, though, i would argue the republican party. and that's -- i call them blue collar conservatives. you know, the folks out there that are working people, most of whom don't have college degrees. folks that really still understand the value of work and the importance of work and responsibility. people who understand the importance of family and faith. be