dr. josephberg is from the westchester medical center.at the light from lasers is different than the light from regular light bulbs. >> it's very strong. it's a straight line. >> what has the doctor most concerned are the handheld laser pointers. our government regulates how strong these lasers can be, so pointers sold in stores are limited to low-power lasers. however, powerful lasers from other countries can be bought online. >> many children have been blinded permanently from these laser pointers that are easily purchasable over the internet. >> the doctor gave me a very simple demonstration of just how strong this type of laser can be. >> right now i'm shining on a light post about 50 feet away in very bright sun. you can still see how powerful this laser pointer is. a normal laser pointer that a teacher would use in an educational setting would never be able to do this. this light will blind you permanently for life. >> but even low-power laser pointers should be handled with care. never aim any laser at a person, animal, vehicle, or