down, garey in connecticut, montel williams is the best guest i have ever seen on fox news bar none, the truth without candy coating it. you better talk to retired government worker chris, worst guest you ever had on your show, he has no idea how the v.a. is run. how is that v.a. run? john, make montel the next head of the v.a., he would be better or more passionate, debbie, i love your show, i've been watching for years, but stop booking montel williams, he is an emotional sense sigalist, low on facts high on bs. one constant we discovered is that one out of 3 americans, have stopped trusting, true. uncanny ua third of childrens do not just the president -- a third of americans do not crust the president or government or markets or institution of marriage. ken in florida does not understand. it gets worse by the week, bob. my problem, you always look at glass has empty, start reporting that two out of three love this country, i am disappointed in you. you should be at cnn . and one out of three are bummed out? with this president, you can blame them. then these random muhsings. this