it is a resolution granting revocable permission to kieran j. woods to occupy a portion of the public right-of-way to construct and maintain various improvements, including a driveway, associated retaining wall, a vehicular carrousel to provide access to a proposed new single family dwelling at 1410 stanyan street (assessor's block no. 2706, lot no. 035), landscaping, stairs leading to a publicitying area, and other related improvements within an existing unimproved portion of stanyan street between clarendon and mountain spring avenues; conditioning the permit; affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act; and making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. ~ 1410 stanyan street. >> supervisor yee. >> thank you, president chiu. colleagues, i have reviewed the documents in relationships to this issue and have met with both the neighbors and the project sponsor to get both viewpoints. this issue has been going on for many, ma