mr. riffkin talking on sunday morning news talking about how he wants to be fair out here. you telling us we're negotiating. your team just sat there for over two months waiting for us to go to arbitration, waiting for us to get to impasse so you can give it to this lopsided process within prop g to say well, that was bad, but just think if you go to arbitration it's going to be worse. that's what we were dealt with in negotiations. you telling me oh, take it to your membership as well. not going to happen. >> thank you. we look forward to reading your letter. thank you. anyone else wish to address the board this morning? seeing none, anything else to come before the board? i guess that's it. anything else? >> i guess what i'll just say is that we have entered this negotiation in good faith, we have conducted it the way we have and the city has with every other labor organization so we absolutely believe that the operator should be fairly and well compensated. i believe what we proposed was consistent with that, what the mediator ultimately recommended even more so. in term