cut a deal with the devil, rira? or let the sunis and shias duke it out themselves. i told you to be afraid because they're coming for you. the isis assault, the islamic state and syria signals the beginning of the reverse crusade. they are coming for us. to them, we are the infidels. but i for one am not willing to let one more american die or come home with fewer limbs from that part of the world. americans have shed enough blood there. my resolution -- air strikes. bomb them. bomb them, keep bombing them, bomb them again and again. and i don't care how long it takes. just take out isis, take out their convoys and take out those troops. and even though our president says he didn't know, they told us they were coming for us. the head of this band of savages, abu al baghdadi was leased by the obah. ma administration and started isis one year later in 2010. he threatened his american jailer, see you in new york. isis is a fanatical religious organization. and if you think they are nothing more than ragtag rebels, you are wrong. they are a sophisticated band of militan