hillside outside of town, the confederates through a few shells that were meant according j scottnia calvaryman moore, to intimidate rather than harm. i doubt the president thought that way. meanwhile, the eighth virginia alvarez dismounted and began to pour through the streets and alleys, converging at the diamond, which moore admitted was the objective. as chambersburg residents left their homes, mccausland and his general writerly's order allowed and asked that the city council assembled to discuss the rent the money.ollect the town citizens, moore wrote, seem to think that they were jesting. and they asked the time to consider. there are different reports of how much time they were given. moore claims it was one hour, mccausland argues it was six hours, several residents for that they were allowed no time at all. cities,her towns and fredericksburg, virginia most notably, this issue of notification before siege or destruction, became a matter of real controversy and a suggest that an 18 city tour, the matter of fair warning in hard war against civilians was still in dispute. but chambersburg's le