have raised other questions too about sodas and other types of sugary and i will just say that christina gota and from department of public health that liquid forms of sugar are different from consuming cakes or other types of products that in many ways the impact on the liver and also our body doesn't tell us to stop consuming sugary beverages and that's critical between sugary beverages in drinks like this. our coalition s f has been great in getting this out there. the campaign is leading to more opportunities in the high school and not just here but centers four youth population is getting the message out there. i'm hoping these types of questions that keep coming up will see youth oriented ways to explain many different communities. i think it was reverend walker from the bayview that said that science is on our side. i think if we go through all the hearings on the impact on the african american community and latino that i think that scenes -- science comes out and i think it's important for our department to raise awareness in schools and public places as well. i want to say every sing