here's haley cohen. >> this is a serial offender. what are the options now for arng tee in a?> i think we're at a point where the dust has really yet to settle. at the time that i walked into the studio, there are a lot of rumors swirling around that private banks might be trying to negotiate with the hedge funds, the hold out hedge funds, elliott capitol and mml to actually buy their court order off of them and in so doing clear up thises me. -- clear up this mess. you can expect a lot of dynamism. >> how much anger, haley, is there towards wall street and one particular hedge fund? elliott. >> you know it's funny. i'm american, i'm an american writing for an english source, and i got into a taxi cab this morning and we were chatting in spanish, and you know, they were talking about the default on the radio and my cab driver asked me, you know, have you heard about this? and i said yes i'm a journalist and i have to follow this closely. and he noticed that my accent was foreign. and he said where are you fro from? and i said i'm from the united states. and he clearly kind of