noted example is kurt vonnegut, who himself of course was a writer, his father was an architect, one is a writer, and two daughters work in the arts as well and a substantial number of them have mental illness of various kinds. >> woodruff: in fact kurt vonnegut's son, mark, now a pediatrician and writer living in boston, has been very open about his own struggle with mental illness. >> in short, like a lot of people and like it happened to a lot of people in my family, in my early 20's i became convinced that i didn't have to eat anymore or sleep anymore, i was hearing voices continuously, they had to put me in a psychiatric hospital. i've had you know, four terrible psychotic breaks and there is nothing romantic about them! life is discontinuous and horrible and getting back on your feet is a lot of work. >> woodruff: wanting to do something to ease the pain, andreasen focused her research for the next two decades on neurobiology and neuro-imaging. but she never lost her interest in creative genius, does it run in families? what's the connection between creativity and mental illnes