>>c lapsley con doesn'ts workshops with veterans from wars around the world.ling in thec u.s. >> a few parts of the country for "religion and ethics news in scottsdale, arizona.Ñir >>> now, fred de sam lazaro on medical caregivers in vietnam keep%t infantsq alive not with sophisticated western technology but with low-tech, locally made devices. thtf workçóñr well in hahn nou many other parts of the developing world because they're what's called appropriate technology.t(e1 >> it's not unusual to see two,( three, even four newbornst( crammed into the same crib at this busy hospital in hanoi. they're the luckier ones. for those with lungs infected or notÑi fully developed because ty were premature, ther >> translator: before 2000 the mortality rate of the qneonatal intensive care unit was lp15%. last year it was less than 2%.z >> çóanti-biotics have helped a have staff trainingzkÑ butt( a reason she says is in recent years they have been able to install reliable, locally madei equipment to help baby's breathe called continuous positive airway pressure or c pap.