that as difficult as things might be for you in california, there are people living in camps in peshwara, people making less than a dollar a day, you know, doing manual labor so they can feature feed eight, nine children in their family. >> uh-huh? >> to loose sight of perspective and become so narcissistic as to not be able to appreciate your own blessings is miserable. and my father and my mother were very good to that. they were very, very level headed when it came to that. >> you realtime became an ambassador after serving as an envoy since 2007. observance n your opinion particularly necessary for the global community? >> we have a displacements crisis around the world that is unpair . over 40 million people are displaced. this is an enormous humanitarian crisis. we have a very, very urgent situation in syria. the estimation is by syria, it will displace afghanistan as the largest refugee producing nation on earth, over 4 million people will be displaced. so, i think this year in particular is a very good time for people around the world to take a step back, to think about the milli