, new local funding for our transportation system looking out over a ten year horizon which come thatnated at the budget. what the bond contemplates is the first $500 million recommended by the task force and it recommends in a fairly comprehensive bond report, which is available up on sf -- this expenditure plan with the main categories of investments and transits and investments and safety in our streets so to walk-through the lines of that expenditure plan. the lion share is really to implement muni 4. it was approved earlier this year. these are changes -- physical changes in the public right away that will make muni able to move better through the city, make it reduce the time it takes from muni to cross the city and increase the reliability like upgrading and prioritizing traffic signals and a number of changes and some that we have piloted. at the same time and i think i have a slide that shows this more specifically later, a lot of vision zero benefits comes from these transit oriented investments as well. the second line is to improve safety and accessibility stops especially our