thisrk, how would you like dispute to be resolved? >> i would like to see hachette hold the line.appears this is about e-book margins. earn more than 30% and hachette once you earn 70%. more important, hachette wants to control the price of the book to the consumer. i'm hoping that hachette holds the line and maintains control over pricing. >> will they? how will this play out? >> by holding out and threatening to leave, it puts hachette in a bad financial position. and let's face it, publishers are not doing well financially and don't have the financial resources to hold out. all this is going to do is make it less attractive for authors to work with a major publisher. will go down due to lower list price is and it will push people more toward self bushing. publishing. >> do you see more authors self-publishing instead? >> we are seeing a huge boom in self publishing. others no longer need publishers to publish and distribute their books and reach readers. there are strong economic incentives for authors to self publish. earning 60% to 80% of the list price as their royalties whe