set of criminal case based on several scandals that has surrounded the administration including ben passy, irs targeting the groups. >> i've been gone so long some of you have forgotten who i am. my name is that of six. [applause] this is a production of the david horowitz freedom center. briefly what happened to me is my focus paralyzed. i wish i could say it was from kicking james carr or sandra flew, but is factually a botched operation. be careful when you have to, to choose a good one. so my sciatic nerve is damaged. a lot of pain. the operation was on april, that was another oversight on my part. i am here in part because i have a new doctor and that dr. is the chairman of the david horowitz freedom center. thank you, michael for taking care of me. this is an important occasion. a young man who is the speaker today is transforming the center. he has two websites. what we were able to do 15 years prior. very exciting she's been up to these sites. if you seen the video. yeah, 2 billion performers. we have a million and a half dollars pledge to expand with subfloor is doing, but it has