. >> host: darryl from blumfield, indiana, democratic line. good morning.re you with us this morning? we'll go on to nell waiting in white cross, georgia. on our line for independents. nell good, morning. >> caller: good morning. >> guest: hi, nell. >> caller: how are you. >> guest: veil well, thank you. >> caller: i'm fine and blessed. i'm not hearing you now. >> host: go ahead with you question or comment. we can hear you. >> caller: i'm very pro life. i don't believe in abortion. i believe a baby is a baby, before it's born, and i don't believe we have the right to take that life, and you're you were earlier talking about the kids coming across the border. we should show compassion, we should take care. and these very liberal i guess that's what they're called, people that use -- they don't want prayer, they don't want god or anything but now suddenly the