havoc throughout the lungs regarding ncer and also the poorly combusted smoke and the copd and the emphezema is a dominant problem and it causes peipheral vascular disease. if it weren't for the nicotine buzz, nobody would do it. >> i watched this in my own family because my parents both smoked and like a lot of people i grew up in a smoking household. i can only imagine. i'm wondering if that affects people's intellectual development when you are a kid and exposed to that. >> you see the dmages and the side e tekts and not to mention in the first few cigarette puffs you ever take you start gagging and coughing. nobody puts their mouth on the exhaust pipe to get the carbon monoxide. it's all about the drug delivery and big tobacco has known that l along and finally, the truth is being aired and people are realizing that people are trying hard to quit. it's hard to quit,ust hard to stay off cigarettes for good. >> i saw that in my own family. some did and some didn't. a new trend are e-cigarettes and what are ose and how does that affect them? >> we don't know what the impacts will be regardi