there is a professor gelman who will be coming out soon with a book showing how involved he was with tiefn hoar foreign -- the eisenhower foreign policy. >> even though some say it took a week to find a contribution he had made. >> yes. >> and ike wouldn't endorse him but thingson became a great student of it. with china he did not like russia, nixon. he thought they were doctrine heir to to tal terrorism. in in fact today in china nixon is a folk hero. on the tapes you will not hear nixon denigrate the chinese people. he almost worships mau. >> he had a certain contempt for john kennedy? >> yes. i think they were friends early on but he got -- >> congressmen. >> friends as congressmen, but by 1960 when nixon loses, particularly the fact that kennedy, the supposed chicago vote, you know, there was a close election, but what he really dislikes is the mythology of camelot. ted soren son and the selling of it. what he was envious about is they succeeded. america thought of kennedy as profiles in courage, cuban missile crisis, berlin wall, and told them off, and nixon said, i want what k