dow component making news today, home depot on now showing up on credit cards at the retailer.çó amon t(javersknow, amon i was surprised to hear the breach was even more us more about the fraudulent charges. >> yes, that isq right we talke about the banksçó today. they say it is even worse partly because the breach lastedfá for longer period of time. they say the home depot breach lasted a week, and there could be a lot of vict!ms out there. whatfá we're seeing is the chars and fraudulent activity on consumers' credit cards, from groceries, to everything you purchase, evenÑi groceries bein fraudulently charged. now consumers are not seeing this damage because usually the bynks eat the damage whenq ther is a lot of activity on the cards. a lot of banks aree1 protecting the customers from this fraudulent attack. >> but if the banks even as you say, eat the chargese1 i can imagine some banks want to say hey, this is your problem, home depot, you ought to at least share in some of theçó costs of reimbursing these consumers. >> yes, that is right, tyler, and there is a big fight right now in a+hin