government, it who, fao, and colleagues around the world for quite some time. how do you make this issue something that is politically palatable and vice president obama has now said recently about the ebola epidemic, this is a national security priority. it's a public health priority, so what is the proper vision? our vision is pretty ambitious, but it's the right vision and that is ultimately attain a road severe from infectious diseases. so we're not going to an outbreak, but i would like to do is prevent them from becoming epidemic. so we need to put in place the mechanisms that are needed to do that around the world. when we launched the agenda in february, secretary sebelius of health and human services, secretary kerry and the president for homeland security and counter terrorism, lisa monaco also put out the administration's vision for this agenda. i'm going to read it because it's operational and i both and i will value we release date and when i was talking about this with people in february, dare was definitely quite a bit of that is aspirational. if