we spoke with liquid robotics ceo gary guisen. -- gary gysin. by asking him how does the partnership work? >> we've been working in the defense face for quite a while. wave powered and solar powered platform, you can put any sensor on it. we can detect surface ships, submarines. so the partnership with boeing is just a natural extension of the number one defense contractor on a global basis. so partnering with the top player in the defense industry is just a huge company-making event. >> are you sharing technology? >> absolutely. >> what kind? >> we make the drone that runs on the surface. boeing also makes undersea drones, aerial companies, a company called insitu and they make aircraft of course. that have been modified to work in a military context to hunt for submarines, to do surveillance and that sort of thing. >> obviously deep connections. is that the principle driver for you? >> it's two things. that's a big thing. because we're startup company they've got reach that we would never have. but the vision they have is to connect all of the