collides with the totems' lead scorer. >> he was the one that got tripped up by matt vassel. >> i gothat they called a kneeing penalty. that's where i supposedly stuck my knee out to stop a guy that was going by. >> the totems erupt in anger. >> the totems coaching staff is irate right now. >> rather than go into the penalty box, matt is told to hit the showers. >> there was only a minute, minute and a half left in the game, so there was no reason for me to stay in the box if i wasn't even going to be playing the rest of the game. >> matt vassel's skating off to the dressing room. >> i was trying to get shots because it was dead puck and finally they skate vassel off and i told her camera one to follow him off the bench. >> before leaving the ice, matt and the totems player exchange words. >> eric english comes over to say something. those two have to be separated. >> that's when i'm trying to point up to the scoreboard letting him know that they're done and you know, good luck next year and you know, you guys go home and you guys suck and that type of stuff. >> he's still talking. oh