neand we will share the reports with you when we have aggregated data, but the information is confidential. and only the staff who is working with it are allowed to look at that data. so i don't look at the data. so aggregate reports are something that we can share and if you, if the commission as a whole at some point, wants to see, and have a report from joe, and we can do that. but, i am sorry to say, coming to the office and being part of that would not be allowed. >> that i noticed that it is i a typical complaint. >> yes, and even before hiipa existed, client information in any of our protective services programs is confidential and that is what the client knows when we work with them and we need to keep it in the folders. >> the blank form, can you give us the blank form? not the filled up form? when you fill out the form, the client's name, you know the address and so on and so forth. >> if i can see the blank, you know, without the information and, then i know what to input of the information. >> but from what i am hearing is that it sounds like you are interested in see the data