all of this is about is, one, prooiftization and, two, ignoring the root problem that we have in this which is that almost 25% of your children live in poverty. and the single most reliable predictor of low achievement is poverty because children are hungry, because they're homeless, because they come to school with all kinds of emotional and social and economic problems, which we're not solving. so instead of dealing with the real problem, which is how do we get that number which -- hovers around 23, 24% of kids living in poverty, how do we drive it down to where itñpi is in finland. we look at finland and say why can't we be like finland? their poverty rate is under 5%. if our poverty rate was under 5, we would think we have the greatest worlds in the school. >> i will ask dr. deasy this same question, diane, i wonder if you think fundamentally the american people still place public education at the top of their list of priorities? >> well, there have been a number of polls that show the american people if asked about public education they have had now 20 years of solid pounding, o