there's the author of "the dork diaries," rachel renee russell. there's also nathan j. hale, who's the author of "nathan's hazardous tales," bob mankoff, who's a big cartoonist withe new yorker and various other places, and jen sorensen, who's an award-winning cartoonist. so, i think this is going to be really exciting. we had last year for our first year we sponsored an art contest, and students at a number of schools submitted murals. so, schools all over the country really got to participate in this contest and they got to win money for their schools. plus, they got some great art for their walls. so, i think it would be great if we got a lot of participation in the cartoon contest. it would be really fun. >> interesting. where can we go to get more information? >> well, you can get more information about all of this on the aclu website. you could go to... >> well, thank you so much for speaking with us today. >> it was my pleasure. >> because the u.s. constitution plays such a vital role in all of our lives, it shouldn't just be something we think about once a year.