those who knew ray shane described him as bright and motivated and kind and the thing about rashawns family it's a large family that truly impacted and improved the lives of so many people in our community. he would often baby-sit his younger sister while working hard to maintains e maintain his grade of 4.0. one of the things you can do as a supervisor so to hear and see the life of a young person is taken at an early stage it's deeply upsetting to me to see the pain of rashawns family but to everyone 90 in our community. rashawn was a kid that stood for everything that a young person should stand for its tragic and citizen less that his bright promise will not be realized. rashawn was stabbed by another young person at fulsome and 26th street and he died subsequentially that evening from that establishing >> as we celebrate his life we recognize and solemnly take note of the loss of his future not only for himself, for his family but for his entire community. given what this young person had done in 14 years you can only imagine what he is capable of. this violence weeks ago heavil