all these government programs our privacy-invading, ritualistic, and the proper source of wealth for persons is the private efforts of individuals." goodbye, head start, goodbye, unemployment compensation, goodbye, programs for federal aid to education -- all gone. their vision of america is where corporate america and the billionaires have it all. and if you are old and sick among maybe somebody will give you some charity so you can deal with your cancer, but you're not going to have medicare. and if you are poor, maybe a church or private charity will help you a little bit, but you are not going to have medicaid. as is their vision of america. now, what this campaign really is about, it is not just fighting for protecting social security or medicare or medicaid or decent wages or federal education, that is all important, but there is a deeper meaning to what this campaign is about. and let me be very straightforward and tell you what it is. the real issue that we are debating today is whether or not we retain our democratic form of society, whether or not working people have rights