the economy is well lined to look for more virtual tellwork positions. companies are existed in hiring them. it might be the one place where there's no liability being a military spouse. because they don't care where you are. you can get it done. employers can look at the whole package without the liability that sometimes hangs over our head of frequent relocation. >> what about upward mobility and moving up the corporate ladder of job security. is it an issue for you? >> it's huge. we know it's america is a dual-income society. it takes two paychecks to get ahead and save for retirement. there's a loss of seniority recruel. every time laura transferred i'm guessing her retirement didn't necessarily go with her. any time of retirement has to be started over or your seniority starts over. not only do you have to change jobs but having to prove yourself again and start at the bottom of the pay scale. instead, a lot of military spouses are looking to start their own companies or to work remotely and to take care of their own retirement portfolio in order to