i got briefed, on our limitations, and i think a catalist, was, the announcement of the default encryption and i thought, these are good folks, responding to a mc. and where are we doing it? so that energized me. >>> you left government, i think, in 2003 -- 2005, and you were not in the and you had a sense of how light and dark things were. how different is it today, than it was, when you came back into government? >>> dramatically darker, because of the number of non-traditional communication means. and different apes, and. >>> it has increased. >>> so, you describe, in your remarks, that you wanted, not a backdoor, but a front-door, and i'm trying to understand, what that means, technically, to have an ability to descript with an order that does not create technical vulnerabilities, that others could exploit. >>> a lot of people believe our own intelligence service says. >>> what are you envisioning when you talk about building in a front-door? >>> i don't think i'm smart enough to give you a highly reliable answer. >>> anytime there's a door, there's a risk, that someone will try to get