do you believe dick costelo can figure out how to keep twitter growing at a pace. do you have faith in larry page at google? do you expect that virginia remetty will do anything but buy back stock? i think they have to be dealt on a case by case basis. let's deal with facebook down 6% today. this company reported beautiful numbers last night and you can make a case for multiple years of growth ahead. when we only knew the headline figures the stock was hovering around 80. once management spoke on the conference call. all people heard was facebook was going to ramp up expenses to keep itself growing over the next five years. investors wanted to hear about terrific growth with lower expenses. they hated the fact that 178 million shares from the company's acquisition would hit the tape. i ask you, what do you want from facebook? do you want it to just coast? do you want it to buy back stock? listen to what mark zuckerburg said not that anybody could hear a thing once expense is mentioned. we have a number of services which we think are on the way to reaching 1 billion