the john philip sousa has the best cover art. it has a ship that looks like it might have gone through the canal. the music is not great, but we do not have it because it is great music. we have it because of what it tells us about popular culture at this time, and the music publishing industry in the united states. on this side of the table, we have five items that were published in d.c. these four published by the marx goldsmith company. they have all the similar appearance. they have no images on their front. but they have a fairly creative type font for laying out the titles. then " honeymooning on the panama canal," published by the kirkish dovedale company. the big music publisher of washington, d.c. we see the capital on it. a lot of this is about advertising. the period of popularity of sheet music surrounding any kind of topic like this is short. these pieces of sheet music that you see were copyrighted during the latter part of 1913 and through 1914 and into 1915. but in general, that seems to be about the period. that'