. >> reporter: how much training have you had to learn how to wield that katana as skillfully as youhow? >> i have the advantage of being trained by very great trainers. >> yeah, but you're pretty athletic. i think you could probably kick my ass if you had to. >> oh, i don't want to have to do that. >> i think anyone could. >> oh, really? wow. a little bit of love from paula. let me tell you, they are so, so, so paranoid about secrecy on the set, they have these groupies known as walker stalkers who use long-range lenses and follow the set around the atlanta, georgia, area. and then they post spoilers on the internet so they shred all the scripts after they're written. and even the actors on the show don't know if they're going to survive from episode to episode. >> afraid the word will get out and spoil it. >> yes, exactly. so and so lives, so and so doesn't. it's fascinating. the show is so rabid. >> how is your arm? it was this one. or was it this one? >> it took days for me to get the makeup off my arm. >> vomit, did it smell like -- >> no, i didn't -- >> you know what, guys -- >