the bullying occurred is only significant within a la tithous framework. the question of whether the act is bullying may not be relevant from a public health perspective. it's in the eyes of the beholder. the most relevant aspect of the understanding of the ecology and epidemiology of bullying is that it occurs across social settings. it primarily happens at home between siblings that love each other and is being misconstrued by the community as so-called sib ling rivalry. but with all the love in the world they can kill each other. but it also occurs in the neighborhood, in the telephones and internet, walking to and from school, on the school bus, at school, during after school programs in extra curricular activities in, summer camp, in the workplace. yes, 30% of youngsters age 16 or above in 16 to 18 years age in the united states work part time. and this happens in the workplace. last but not least, we should not forget the young people in correction alpha silts. i'm talking about almost all the states have enacted laws including also the commonwealth