mary and their distress. draw near to us those who mourn for benjamin and dry the tears of those who weep.mfort us in our sorrow. life.ised the dead to give to our brother eternal life. paradise to the thieves who repented. bring our brother to the joys of heaven. comfort us and our sorrows at the death of our brother. let our faith the our constellation and internal life our hope. prayer thatther the our lord taught us, we say -- our father, who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. breads this day our daily as we forgive those who trespass intost us and lead us not temptation, deliver us from evil in the name of the kingdom, the father, and the glory forever and ever, amen. >> ben was my friend and my from 1975 until his death. that's nearly 40 years. i treasure our friendship. his hearty welcome. mike." his autobiography is entitled a "a good life," and "for sallyinscribed ann quinn, who might of my life , who light upuinn my life." the end of our lives are cause,in with respect to time, place, and circumstances. but we hop