theyarved monumental sculptures fm volcanic rock without mel tools, ing haers and chisels made ostone. they transported massive blocks of basalt, ighing up to 2ns, across miles of teory thout benefit of the wel. they built the first pyramid in the americas, rising 100 feet anma of ren the half millionubic ft ofpa they fasoned delicate, and often deeply expressive, works of art in ceramic, serpentine and jade. the result was the most sophisticated artistic style yet created in the americas. thstyle developed throughout mesmerica, which extends from central meco to present-day costa rica. the most striking olmec achievements have been found in southern mexico, at sites such san lorenzo, laenta, tres zapotes near the gulf coast, and tlatilco and chalcatngo in the highlan. in the 18th and 19th centuries, finely carved jades from mesoamerica began to appear in museums and private collections. no one knew what to make of them. some were labeled chinese, others maya or aztec. in 1862, farmer's discovery of a huge stone head at tres zapote triggered speculation that it had be carved by africa