sam walton. you know what sam walton... the founder of walmart, you know what car he drove? all his life? 1985 ford pickup. he could have bought a car company but he bought... but he drove a ford pickup an old one and so you're saying buy what you can afford you say? a little oversimplified to buy what you can afford um i think when people run into credit card problems it's easy to get that check from that second mortgage to say ok this is now i can sleep tonight but did you go back and look at how you got to where you were? that learning process will determine what you do when everything starts the next day and you got those cards paid off which now you have very large lines yup that have nothing on lines of...? credit got it and nothing on em so now you know i know when i went through a lot i deserved to start to replace the tv that i couldn't get the last three months and so there's a place for it but it becomes much more expensive once you bury that debt into your mortgage payments put's things in perspective lourdes add something well i think that as long as you don't e