among them, firefighters dan wegner and tim daneen. >> probably got about ten feet from the hole, andhear jesse crying up out of there and stuck our heads down in the hole and looked at him, and sure enough we could see jesse's head and one arm above his forehead kind of protecting his eyes. he just cried. he just wanted out of there so bad. >> oh, your heart sinks. i have a couple of children, and all of a sudden my two kids popped into my head, and you just feel for the mom and dad. okay, now i've got to get in rescue mode here. this is serious. >> crucial to the rescue effort, a fiberoptic camera borrowed from a local company gives rescuers a close look at how jesse's doing. >> you kind of picture in your mind how this little kid is positioned and everything, and all of a sudden it's real, he's right there on the camera. and that's when i said, oh, there he is. and my heart is like, oh, we've got to get this little guy out of here. >> by now, a huge crowd has gathered, neighbors, friends, cameras, lights. but rescuers are focused on the task at hand. firefighter dave's job is to fi