but his memory lives on in the tenants of fadf -- fadf. and the [speaker not understood] center has held countless community meetings and strategy sessions including -- many including our office [speaker not understood] we stabilize the south of market community and continue to support our organizations whether it be [speaker not understood] the only filipino performance venue in the country. his daughter burnadette sy [speaker not understood] is here to accept the [speaker not understood]. i also want to take a moment to recognize you, burnadette, who i personally got to know during my years in office. your tireless leadership, countless unpaid hours on behalf of our community is so appreciated. you're at every meeting talking about even the tiniest developments whether they're five units, hundreds of units to see how we can make sure we are building a south of market that remains affordable for all and diverse to all of our communities. so, if just want to thank you for your continuing leadership in honoring your father's vision here in