tell us about lamar hayes. >> lamar hayes is a fellow that i met in a town called woodstock, which is in the suburbs of atlanta. and he was in the worst industry you could be in at the time of the recession. he was in the housing industry. he built houses for a living. he was a construction supervisor. so he lost his job. this is a fellow who was 52 years old at the time that i talked to him. and what happened was -- the first thing that struck him was shock at having lost his job, having been fired. but he had not realized how much he loved his work. and he said that after he got the word from his employer, he just got into his pickup truck. and he was driving home. he had a long drive home. and he had to figure out how to tell his wife what had happened. and he said he had to pull over, and he just broke down and cried in the pickup truck. because he had lost his job. even though he was distraught over losing his job, it did not occur to him at first that he wouldn't be able to get another good job. you know, he had worked all of his life. this was a middle-aged man who had raised a