host: new london, wisconsin. jean. independent caller. know who would like to would be responsible for the cleanup if the pipe should leak -- the taxpayer or the oil and please do not talk around the subject matter. host: --guest: my wife was born in new london, wisconsin. in the past, the companies have been held responsible. maybe additional government rushing resources, but in the end it is the companies that pay dearly. bp paid $20 billion for what happened in the gulf. in other pipeline spills, and those companies end up the full price and then some because you get sued. the companies have every incentive to maintain safe pipelines as possible because in the end they will end up paying for it. host: cori. lexington, kentucky. republican. caller: i have three questions -- the first being how can you who the board for the nsa is completely overstepping their power, and getting rid of any much, the fourth amendment, by -- pretty much, the fourth amendment. the one thing i could see being a loophole is we actually make people sign privac