the brain is a soft organa encased in a hard shell. when is jostled around, there is damage, a small car accidents essentially. because football is inherently a collision sport -- and i am anxious to hear gregg's take on this. but i am even more radical in my outlook, i guess because i feel i like the fact of the matter is that it is not just big, catastrophic kids that cause the stock new damage which is this form of dementia they're finding in former players. it is the increase in of sub concuss of hits that you never see which is frightening for players because you have to realize, they are invisible. you can never be diagnosed with a concussion and have received 1500 it's a year that are like small car accidents having an appreciable effect on your brain that you never know about even if we get up to speed and teams and up to speak with having medical personnel who are gonna diagnosing concussions and so forth. that is what makes the news from the nfl that just came out a few weeks ago after years of ops to cave in and out right de