as i understand it, you're working with sefma to create a single product, which again would work very well with a product, if you l that came out of this committee from the stand point of again allowing all types of garanors to be able to use this market. >> we are working closely with sefma, they are the most important player in the tba market, and without close consultation with them i think would be irresponsible. >> as you look into the future, you're dealing with the responsibilities that you've been given. you're always really clear, i think much of it coming from your background that you're going to carry out your operations in keeping with the laws that congress produces. what is the big elson risk that you see into the future if congress doesn't take action on housing finance and deal with the current status that we now have? what's the biggest risk to us? as a nation, as taxpayers, as people who oversee the integrity of government. >> i think at times uncertainty about the future will more and more have greater and greater cost to us. and i think really bringing certainty to