[applause] it's right there in sega genesis. well no matter, no matter what all these feminist critics say, i'm not ashamed of my hobby that's why i did it alone in my base many. because news flash what i do in a video game doesn't reflect the way i act in the real world. i love mario kart but i don't go around throwing banana peels out of my car. because turtle shells are much more effective. [laughter] for all gamers when i say the media should stop talking to critics like anita sarkeesian. i need a sarkeesian. [applause] all right, look. let's put this on the line, okay. let's call this what it is. you and the other fellenot sees in the gamer world are coming and put them into a little felt purse and take them away so we have to lay your non-violent games, right. >> no. >> it's a subculture war. >> it's women being harassed and threatened and terrorized. >> after you attack gairms after enjoying looking at women whose armor barely covers their nipples. i like what that looks like. i'm a man baby, news flash, i like it. >> one