barry then appointed anthony williams as chief financial officer of the district. williamses shy compared to bury won the mayor's office as the anti barry candidate. he left the stage with a gala tribute to himself. in 20e 04 he was back again, again the ward 8 council member, again defeating a former ally, this time sandy allen, waving off criticism of disloyalty, he would only say it's not personal. it's politics. in recent years barry won easy re-election to ward 8, suffered from declining health, a kidney transplant and other health scares along with failing to file income taxes, steering a city contract to a girlfriend and since then, the criticism of asian store owner and filipino nurses to whom he later apologized after stinging public criticism. stim, of the six mayors who served the mayor since home rule began in the 1970s, including adrien fenty and vincent gray, it was barry's roller coaster career that helped define district politics for decades barry first came to washington with the student non-violent coordinating committee, later helped establish and run pride