and will feel, undescribable, and you will have all of this anger on you, thank you. >> [ applause ] >> sorry, i am short. so, good evening, community, and commission, my name is nina parks and i have been working on the issue of community policing, for quite some time. to kind of give the background i used to work at the community center here on mission and in 2009, there was a program that was rolled out called perf and it was, all of a sudden we had like a officers on the streets, where we did not have that before and we came to a lot of conflict. which, led to us, reaching out to david campos, and to john avalos, and chief suhr and we started to revamp the community policing general order. and where we started to develop, quite a bit of new language in order to build different relationships between the community and the police. unfortunately that document has not really done anything. it is kind of sat there for the past three years. and with no action plan. right? so, as far as being a citizen here, it is, and also, advocate, and activist and organizer and like kind of dishearte