. -- baird tim not to start hostilities. of course that he started that. and there you have it. it will be difficult right now. i understand the pain of georgia and the georgian people is a leading want. everyone remembers that year. the grave situation after the dissolution of the russian empire. they're going to stay with russia and there was the same operation. that is not forgotten. that is not made up. everyone accuses us of all the seven sins but that was not our work. there going to help settle matters. hostilities started and we acknowledged the independence of those republics. recognized those independents. we havery difficult but to establish direct contact. there -- we should not reject from step one of possibilities. we should start the process. where it leaves us i cannot possibly say. as for the meeting, in georgia, we have very little contacts. there is internal power struggles there, ongoing internal power struggles. for legalizing the shipment of georgian goods to russia, we did that. but not to stop russia from entering the heavy tao. that was a very welcome ge