you know, will ferrell playing bush 43, dana carvey bush 41, you know, it just gives us a sense of who they are, fairly or unfairly. >> tom shales, you wrote for "the washington post," down here in a political town. how important is the politics? in saturday night live? >> well, i think as jim said, a lot of interaction there, a lot of influence, and they sort of couldn't live without each other, i guess. the show has gotten, the show's always had a young audience and targeted at a young demographic, and i think for some of that young demographic, this is their main exposure to politics, or they learn a lot of political realities through saturday night live. they don't watch news really very much, i think. they maybe get stuff over the internet, but saturday night live is an actual source of political information for them, not just entertainment. i don't mean it's their only source, but i think it plays a major role in how they think of to things. >> the big difference is that when saturday night live first started, there was nothing else like it. so when they were doing the political