when they hire the architects, they were basically hiring the frank aaron of the day. imagine this, chief architect in belgium who designed the palace is now designing your house. that gives you a little sense of that. they looked at the pattern books. it was not educated as architect but neither was jefferson. jefferson was very interested in architect as was washington. jefferson and washington would have these conversations about what washington should look like. should it be made out of brick? that's jefferson, much more humble republican. should it be marvel and granite? that was george washington because it's going to last the ages. washington points out to jefferson, i am president. and therefore we have a city of marble and granite, et cetera. this house designed thornton. juan little anecdote about thornton. he becomes an american citizen. 1812. citizens are building the public building, not the private building and they're going to burn the patent office. the first director of the patent office is dr. thornton. as british are coming up with their torches and