detention facilities at guantanamo bay, cuba, have become emblematic of the gross human rights abuses perper traited by the u.s. government in the name of fighting terrorism. the senate report on torture, five await trial and are considered to be housed in any country. while the president continues to move detainees and try to close guantanamo, no prisoners can be moved to the u.s. congress reemphasized that reality. the new spending bill passed at the en end of the month prohibits any transfers to u.s. prisons. >> as we mention the president ran for the white house promising to close guantanamo bay, and then it turned out to be harder than he ever imagined. but with the slow attrition, transfers, freeings, even nine deaths in captivity are we watching a stealth closure? the future of the guantanamo this time on the program. we begin with the lead military lawyer at south com u.s. southern command when the camp was established. he also worked as a military lawyer of another detention center. there has been fighting all along with kind of trials, the rules of evidence involved, what to consid